1. What is the idea?
The idea is not wholly original with me. As many denizens of the World Wide Web since the early 2000s may remember, there was a legendary website created by Alex Tew called The Million Dollar Homepage. We are now on the verge of entering a new era where US Dollars are no longer the unit to measure monetary wealth. In the near future, Bitcoin will be used instead. And unlike the US Dollar, which the US government can print to oblivion and the value of which is constantly decreasing, Bitcoin has a fixed supply, is permanently scarce, and its value overtime is constantly increasing.
My spin off of Alex Tew's original idea is simple: to try and become a "Whole Coiner" by selling 1,000,000 pixels for 100 Satoshis each. Hence, "The Million Dollar Homepage". The main motivation for doing this is to build generational wealth for my family and buy acres out in the country, and provide for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to be able to continue to live, work, play, and make many fond memories on the land I bought for them if they so choose.
So, everyone is welcome to buy my pixels, which are available in 100-pixel 'blocks' (each measuring 10x10 pixels). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to display anything meaningful.
You can buy as many pixels as you like, as long as there are some available (see the live stats in the top right corner of the page). When you buy some pixels, you can then display an image/ad/logo of your choice in the space you have purchased. You can also have the image click through to your own website. However, no obscene or offensive images are allowed.
The pixels you buy will be displayed on the bulletin board permanently. The board will not change. I guarantee to keep it online for at least 10 years, but hopefully much longer. I want it to become a kind of internet (and bitcoin!) time capsule. So, in the long run, I believe the pixels will offer good value. You will have a piece of internet and bitcoin history!
2. Who are you?
Right now, I prefer to remain anonymous because frankly I do not want to deal with being famous. The most I will say is I live in the vicinity of a major metropolitan area in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, pull a livable salary by working a full-time remote job, and have a wife and children.
3. Are you genuine/is this a joke or a scam?
I am completely genuine and although this site might be funny in various ways (and yes, even though much of the wording in this FAQ is shamelessly ripped right off of Alex Tew's original FAQ page, ha!), it is neither a joke nor a scam. I really am selling pixels for 100 sats each, because I want to reach my goal of owning one whole Bitcoin. I am both pixel hustler and Bitcoin Hodler and proud!
I do understand that insisting on anonymity may cast more suspicion on my endeavor than Alex Tew's original site. This is why, in contrast to Tew's original Terms and Conditions, I will put up your pixels first, and then you have a week to pay me. During this time I will also archive my site on the Wayback Machine to prove that I put your pixels up, so you can trust that they will remain up and that after you pay me I won't sneakily take them down again and run off with your Bitcoin.
4. How did you come up with the idea?
It was a combination of admiring Alex Tew's original site, brain-storming ideas to make additional income, and wanting to earn a whole Bitcoin after it is too late for me to just buy a whole one outright. This particular idea occurred to me a year or so ago, and I have mulled over it since then. But I hesitated to act on it, as I was unsure it would be worth the effort. But now I am fully convinced in my own mind that this endeavor is most definitely worth my time. We have already reached a point where most millionaires are now priced out of buying a whole Bitcoin (they may be worth a million or so, but don't have the liquid assets to buy one). So I figure, it's now or never!
5. Why do you need a whole Bitcoin?
I don't. I'm "Orangepilled" enough to believe that someday 0.1 Bitcoin will be more than enough to retire on. But I'm not looking to retire and spend the remaining three decades or so of my life gradually using up the wealth on myself until there's little left for my heirs. I want to build into my descendants and leave them a lasting legacy. Not just a physical legacy, I'm a Christian and I want to leave them a lasting spiritual legacy! But leaving them a physical legacy of resources (including real money like Bitcoin) can complement the spiritual legacy as well, helping them to afford to get married and have children, to take risks, start family businesses, etc. rather than having to become cogs in a big corporate machine.
And so I figure, making any Bitcoin whatsoever by selling pixels had to be worth a try. Afterall, I had plenty of pixels to start with! Furthermore, I knew the site had to be 'The Bitcoin Bulletin Board' in order to catch people's attention - anything else just wouldn't cut it, eg. "The One-Hundredth of a Bitcoin Bulletin Board" or the "Million Satoshis Homepage". Er... no.
Also, "BitcoinHomePage.com" wasn't available, so I went with something that had a little more alliteration!
6. What will you do with the money?
I've answered this for the most part in the previous question, but in the spirit of copying Alex Tew's answers and slightly altering them:
First and foremost, I would tithe to my local church.
Second, if I make enough Bitcoin, I will buy some acres using the Bitcoin as leverage, and move my family out into the country. After that, I would like to take care of both my parents and my wife's parents. In these hard times, some of them have had to go back to work. I want them to have some time off because they work so hard and they deserve a break. I would like to return some of the support they have given me and my wife over all these years. And I can do that by having enough acres that they can move out with us.
Thirdly... socks! No, not really. I'm probably not going to buy any really expensive, long-lasting socks. But I definitely need some new socks. Mine are just like Alex Tew's were: Whenever I buy new ones they seem to disappear, or they disintegrate. But while I want to buy some really expensive, long-lasting socks, I'm a spend-thrift, so I will probably wait until I barely have any socks left and then buy some more cheap ones and keep complaining about them.
Finally... if I reach the 1 Whole Bitcoin target… who am I kidding, guys. I will never sell my Bitcoin. I'm a Hodler!
7. Why should I buy your pixels?
Because you will have an image and a link to your site on the homepage of a site that could potentially be seen by millions of people over the coming years. The site will be online for at least 10 years, that's guaranteed, but the idea is to keep it online forever. So you really could own a piece of "internet history" (and Bitcoin lore)!
8. Why can't I buy one single pixel?
I'll just quote Alex Tew verbatim on this one, and say that his logic is sound and I didn't want to change any of it:
I decided that although it would probably be cool if individuals could buy a single pixel each, in practice, it wouldn't be so effective. The reason I believe this is because you can't display anything meaningful in one pixel - nor click it easily - so visually, it would be pointless. With thousands of random tiny coloured dots all over the place, the homepage would look ghastly.
I also thought that the site would appeal more to people with businesses/websites to advertise than it would to individuals, or to put it more accurately, businesses would pay more to have a meaningful graphic on the homepage. Hence the minimum purchase is $100 - a 10x10 block. However! If you really want to own a single pixel, there is always the option of clubbing together with your friends/family/colleagues and buying a 10x10 block.
Guys, just take my advice and buy a whole block and forget this whole clubbing-together-thing. It's only 10,000 Sats, currently worth just $10.00. Times are hard, but not "I can only afford to pay 10¢ for one measily litte pixel" kind of hard.
9. How long will the site be online?
The site will be online for 10 years guaranteed (at least until January 9th 2035), however the aim is to keep the site online forever (or as long as humanly possible).
The idea is to create something of an internet time capsule: an online Bulletin Board that is unique (well, sort of) and permanent. Everything on the internet keeps changing so fast, it will be nice to have something that stays solid and permanent for many years. You can be a part of that!
10. Why are you selling the pixels in Satoshis?
Bitcoin is the money of the future. As it gains increased adoption as a reliable store of value by individuals, corporations, and now even governments, its value is going to increasingly go up! Also, Alex Tew already did it in dollars, so there would be nothing even remotely unique for me to also do it in dollars, it would be a cheap copy with no compelling purpose whatsoever. So it made more sense to do it in Satoshis. "The Bulletin Board" just doesn't have the same ring to it!
Plus, doing it in Bitcoin is, right now, SIGNIFICANTLY CHEAPER. On Alex Tew's Million Dollar Home Page, one 10x10 block cost $100. Right now at 1,000 Satoshis, it only costs a fraction of that: $10.00. You'd better grab this deal while it's still this cheap!
11. If you want to get a whole Bitcoin, why don't you get a side job?
This is a side job, show some respect for self-employment! Plus, what side job is there that would get me a whole Bitcoin?
12. Are you worried about copy-cats/rip-offs?
Well, technically, I AM the copy-cat rip-off. So, not at all. As I am proving by creating this site, It is bound to happen! This is the internet after all. And to quote Alex Tew, "In fact, I think it will work in my favour. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So I think any copy-cat sites will only have pure comedy value, whereas mine possibly has a bit of comedy PLUS some actual pull in terms of advertising dollars"... well, ok. That was before Bitcoin. So hopefully I will prove him wrong about the "pure" comedy value!
If people want to rip-off my rip-off, then I guess you can do it with some alt-coins. It would be pretty cheap to buy blocks on a "Dogecoin Bulletin Board"!
So I say good luck to the imitators! While in my opinion it's not very cool - Let's face it guys, alt coins just aren't that cool - in many ways the act of copying (perhaps more on a subconscious level than anything) is the basis of all creativity. But yeah, really bad rip-offs are seriously lame - I mean, if you're gonna copy the concept, at least come up with your own design and text! (Unlike me, who shamelessly copies tons of text from Alex Tew, but hopefully in a funny and flattering way)
13. Can I put a count of your pixel sales on my site/blog?
Not yet, but if people ask for it then I'm sure I can work something out.